Packing and transportation

Crane packaging, marking, transportation scheme

1. The packaging scheme meets the requirements of GB/T13384-92 "General Technical Conditions for Packaging of Mechanical and Electrical Products".

2, the main body of the crane according to GB/T13384-92 "General Technical Conditions for Packaging of Mechanical and electrical products" Appendix I "packaging type" requirements of bare packaging.

3, the naked crane on the main body of the motor and other requirements of rain, moisture-proof parts for local packaging, packaging using waterproof materials, such as plastic film, plastic composite paper, petroleum asphalt paper for binding, plastic film should be placed in the desiccant.

4, the naked crane main body logo can be sprayed directly on the product, our company in the main beam of the crane spray with trademarks, factory name, crane specifications and models of paint signs, do not fade paint signs accurate, clear, firm.

5, random parts, random spare parts our company uses packing box, packing box containing trolley conductive pulley, bell, resistor, cable, copper core wire, standard parts, limit switch, lighting transformer, lighting, etc. see the packing list, the packing box has rainproof plastic film.

6. Contents of marks on the surface of the packing box

6.1 Crane specifications, models, names and quantities

6.2 Factory number and case number

6.3 Container Dimensions (L x W x H)

6.4 Net and gross weight

6.5 Packing Date

7, the random documents in the No. 1 packing box, the random documents include instructions, certificate of conformity, packing list, drawings and other information, the random documents with plastic bags.
