Steel structure: remove welding slag and spatter, polish sharp edges and edges with power tools, polish the thickness of the visual plate into 0.5 ~ 2mm chamfer, smooth irregular welds, and repair and smooth the edge and weld pores to ensure the adhesion of the paint.

Application of paint

Painting environment: the ambient temperature is not lower than 0 ° C, not higher than 35 ° C, the ambient humidity is less than 85%, the wind force is less than 3 ° C, and the surface temperature of the coated material is more than 3 ° C above the dew point.

Coating method: roll coating method.

Paint preparation: The paint is stirred and filtered after opening the drum; The two-component coating is mixed according to the specified ratio, and the principle of how much to adjust is adhered to; Viscosity adjustment, the use of special thinner to adjust the viscosity of the paint, according to the size of the spray gun and equipment capacity to adjust the viscosity.

Protection before painting: Cover the parts or areas that do not need to be painted, such as motor, reducer, lubricating oil pipe, etc.

Primer: The primer is epoxy zinc-rich. The first primer should be applied immediately after the appearance is polished and qualified. After the first primer is applied and dried, the surface defects should be reapplied with putty to check the quality of the putty. After passing, the second primer should be applied and the thickness of the paint film should be checked after hard drying.

Intermediate paint: Apply the intermediate paint after passing the inspection of the primer. The intermediate paint adopts epoxy cloud iron and is divided into two paints. The upper paint can be applied to the next paint after the upper paint is dry.

Coating: Before coating, ensure that the primer and intermediate paint are hard and dry, and the construction environment meets the requirements. The top paint is divided into two coats, and check the appearance after two coats. If the coating has poor hiding power or light color, the top paint needs to be applied again until it can completely cover the base color, and check the appearance and thickness of the paint film after drying.

The final appearance of the paint film: the paint film is smooth, smooth, no flow hanging, orange peel, particles, scratches, wrinkles, impurities, color inequality undesirable phenomenon.

According to the process requirements, safety signs and our company logo are made in the designated position, the crane signs are arranged neatly, the color is uniform and the background color is completely covered, and the boundaries of the different colors are obvious and the colors are distinct.